
It was in 1764 that the first grapevines were introduced in the Cossy family. At that time, the 
goal was not to produce wine, but to produce grapes so as to try and help the family live the
 best life possible.

It was Sophie's, who know runs the vineyards, grandparents who first started marking wines in the fifties. They dared to strive for success in a new endeavor. "My grandfather was a brilliant man who loved taking on new projects. My grandmother was courageous and was ready to support him during this adventure. And it all paid off" she describes.

Sophie now takes the realm after her father, Francis, passed away when she was just 26 years old. Soon after, Sophie made the decision to rethink her wines. Numerous trials were conducted: new blends, different dosages, ageing, corking. Nothing was left 
to chance and then the cuvées became reinvented. All of the Cuvées had then passed under Sophie’s scrutiny.


The idea had been to reinvent, while keeping the essentials and to get the wine to give everything it had to give… As a bonus, two new Cuvées were born: Origine, an Extra-Brut which had been missing from the range, and the Cuvée L’Instant, a vintaged 100% Chardonnay aged in oak vats. An awe-inspiring female wine maker.